If you are individual, FREE SHIPPING! from €20 or only €3 (Peninsula)

Purchase conditions


In compliance with art. 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on information society services and electronic commerce, we inform you that the person responsible for this website is:

KEFUS, S.L. (hereinafter THE LABORATORY)
www.kefus.com (hereinafter THE WEBSITE)
Fiscal address: C/ Riu Túria, 4-6 CP 03778 Beniarbeig (Alicante).
NIF: B-53741377
Email: info@kefus.com
Telephone: 965 766 164

PRICE: the price of the products on THE WEBSITE is shown in euros and includes VAT.

PRICE VALIDITY: the price of the product is the price in force at the time of purchase, once the cart is accepted and payment is made. The prices displayed can be reviewed and modified at any time by THE LABORATORY owner of THE WEBSITE without generating rights for those who have already made purchases. Consequently, the acceptance of the purchase determines the acceptance of the prices so that even if the price changes at a later time, no financial or other differences can be claimed.

DURATION OF THE OFFER: the offers have a specific duration, which is why the offers included in the online store of THE WEBSITE will be valid during the period established or, failing that, for as long as they remain accessible to customers for your purchase.

STOCK: The products that are ON THE WEBSITE are products that are not always in stock, therefore, if due to a lack of stock in the warehouse due to a computer or logistical error, the order could not be fulfilled in whole or in part, THE LABORATORY will contact you. with the buyer via email address or telephone, for confirmation and subsequent shipment within a period different from the general one established in this policy, or to proceed with the cancellation of the order and refund of the amount. The refund will be made through the payment method used by the client.

THE NAME OF THE PRODUCT AND THE PHOTO: the laboratory seeks that the photos clearly identify the product but cannot be responsible for how the buyer may interpret them. That is why the photos of the products are indicative, the important thing being the name of the requested item, which is clearly described on the website and which is what will be sent if the purchase is made.



Spain (peninsula):
Shipping costs: €5.00 +VAT
Orders over €70 (without VAT): free shipping (valid only for the peninsula).
Shipping costs: €5.00 +VAT
Orders over €70 (without VAT): free shipping
Rest of destinations: Consult

Spain (peninsula):
Shipping costs: €3.00 +VAT
Orders over €20 (without VAT): free shipping (valid only for the peninsula).
Shipping costs: €3.00 +VAT
Orders over €20 (excluding VAT): free shipping
Rest of destinations: Consult

Spain (peninsula):
Orders over €250 (without VAT): free shipping (valid only for the peninsula).
Orders over €250 (without VAT): free shipping
Rest of destinations: Consult

To make a purchase, the user will access the product on THE WEBSITE, add it to the cart by pressing the corresponding button and follow the purchase process until completing the order.


Credit or debit card: if this means of payment is chosen, the client will access the Banco Sabadell payment gateway where they will enter the card details to make the payment. THE LABORATORY does not access any banking information that the client enters in this payment gateway that is configured as a “secure gateway”.
PayPal: if PayPal is chosen, the customer will access the PayPal payment gateway where they can choose to pay with a VISA or Mastercard credit card, or with a personal PayPal account. THE LABORATORY does not access any banking information that the client enters in this payment gateway that is configured as a “secure gateway”.
Bank transfer: if the transfer is chosen, once the order has been sent, the user will receive an email with the instructions and bank details where the payment must be made. Payment will only be deemed to have been made and the order will be notified at the time THE LABORATORY receives confirmation of said payment. To do this, you must send proof of having made the deposit or transfer to the email: info@kefus.com. The order will be processed and sent when THE LABORATORY receives said proof and it is from that moment that the legal deadlines will begin to run. As a general rule, all payments must be made in euros.

Professionals in the pharmacy, medicine, physiotherapy, aesthetics and hairdressing sectors can create a personal account in the professional section: https://www.kefus.com/profesionales.html indicating the data required in the form and providing the form 036 or 037 that justifies your professional activity.

Once the data has been verified, THE LABORATORY will validate your account.

From that moment on, the user will be able to access the online store to make purchases.

The user can always modify their data by accessing their account.


When confirming the order and proceeding to pay it, the buyer will receive, within a maximum period of 24 hours, in the email provided in the billing information, a confirmation of the order placed.

In the case of payment by transfer, this period will be computed from when THE LABORATORY receives confirmation of the credit to your account.


The delivery times for our products in the peninsula are one to three business days if the requested product or products are available in stock at the time of purchase.

If they are not in stock, we will contact the buyer to inform them of the delivery time, and they may choose to keep the order or return the amount paid.

In the event that there is more than one product in an order and some of the products are not in stock THE LABORATORY will contact the customer to agree on a single shipment or separate shipment.

In the event that there is a stock outage or specific unavailability of an item, THE LABORATORY will immediately contact the buyer to inform them of the new delivery time or, if it is not possible to serve said product, proceed to cancel it and refund the amount paid. . In any case, a delay in delivery with respect to the indicated deadlines will not give you the right to demand any compensation.

Orders placed on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays will be processed the next business day.


The products that the user can purchase on THE WEBSITE are parapharmacy products that are duly sealed. Therefore, if they have been unsealed after delivery, they are not suitable to be returned for health protection or hygiene reasons.

If the product maintains its seal intact, the buyer may return all of the products in the order or only some of them during the first 14 calendar days following the date of receipt of the order, without penalty and without the need to indicate the reasons. To do this, the products must be presented in perfect condition, unsealed and unused and with all their contents, taking into account the type of product sold on THE WEBSITE.

The right of withdrawal may also be exercised if the shipment has not yet been received, so that if it has not left the laboratory's warehouses, no expense will be generated.


The price to be returned is the one that originally appeared in the order and has been paid by the buyer. The total shipping costs will be refunded if the total order placed is returned, otherwise the costs proportional to the percentage of the returned order will be refunded. Additional costs resulting from the buyer's choice of a delivery method other than the least expensive ordinary delivery method that we offer will be excluded. Therefore, only the most economical shipping costs would be paid. In any case, THE LABORATORY will not refund the amount or resend any merchandise until the receipt and condition of the product, packaging and accessories of the item being returned or exchanged has been verified.

As a general rule, the amount will be refunded in accordance with the payment method made by the client and will be carried out within 14 calendar days from when THE LABORATORY is unequivocally informed of the withdrawal from the contract.

The return shipping costs will be assumed by the buyer.


Email: info@kefus.com
The exercise of the right of withdrawal by telephone is not valid.

To comply with the withdrawal period, it is sufficient for the communication regarding your exercise of this right to be sent before the corresponding period expires.

THE LABORATORY will without delay inform the buyer on a durable medium (for example, by email) of receipt of said withdrawal.

If the buyer has received the order and, therefore, has acquired possession of the goods, he must return them to THE LABORATORY, without any undue delay and, in any case, no later than within a period of 14 calendar days from the date on which you inform EL LABORATORIO of your decision to withdraw. The deadline will be considered met if you return the goods before said deadline has expired. The direct costs of the return will be borne by the buyer (Return costs).

If the buyer has not yet received the shipment and it has not left the laboratory's warehouses, it will be sufficient for him or her to send the unequivocal declaration of withdrawal in accordance with what was previously stated, and THE LABORATORY will proceed to refund the amount paid by the buyer (including shipping costs) within a maximum period of 14 calendar days from receiving the aforementioned declaration.


In the event that the buyer receives the order damaged, he has the right to return the order and must notify THE LABORATORY within the first 24 hours after receiving the order by sending an email to info@kefus.com. THE LABORATORY will contact the buyer to indicate the steps to follow to make the change. In these cases, the return costs will be paid by the buyer until it is verified by THE LABORATORY that the damage has not been caused by the customer. If it is found that the order was indeed damaged, the product will be replaced and the costs incurred with the return will be paid as long as it has been made in accordance with the return instructions given by THE LABORATORY.


The buyer may return his order if the product is not in suitable conditions for use. To do this, he must notify THE LABORATORY within the first 24 hours after receipt by sending an email to info@kefus.com, which will indicate how he should make the return. THE LABORATORY will contact the buyer to indicate the steps to follow.

Shipping costs will be paid by the buyer until it is verified by the responsible laboratory or THE LABORATORY that the conditions of the product are not adequate, in which case the amount paid for the product and the return costs will be refunded. In this case, the buyer may also choose to send the same article or reference, in which case only the first shipment will be invoiced, with the rest of the shipping being borne by the laboratory as long as the return has been made in accordance with the instructions of returns given by THE LABORATORY and the return will proceed.

If the buyer wishes to make an exchange for another item, the return and new shipping costs will not be assumed by THE LABORATORY, but by the buyer.


In the event that a product has been sent that by mistake does not correspond to the order, the buyer must notify THE LABORATORY within the first 24 hours after receiving the order by sending an email to info@kefus.com. THE LABORATORY will contact the buyer to indicate the steps to follow in returning the wrong product and the control procedure will begin in THE LABORATORY, verifying the stocks, weights, verifying that the returned product has been in stock in THE LABORATORY. , batches and other security measures that are in place to ensure that shipments are correct. Therefore, in these cases, until they are completely sure that it is a laboratory error, the buyer must return the wrong product and pay the return costs. In the event that the error is confirmed by THE LABORATORY, it will proceed to send the correct product and pay the return costs previously paid by the buyer.


THE LABORATORY only sells original, quality products through THE WEBSITE, endorsed by commercial firms and recognized laboratories. This merchant undertakes not to allow any transaction that is illegal, or is considered by the credit card brands or the acquiring bank, which may or has the potential to damage their goodwill or negatively influence them. The following activities are prohibited under the card brands programs: the sale or offer of a product or service that is not in full compliance with all laws applicable to the Buyer, Issuing Bank, Merchant, Cardholder, or cards. In addition, the following activities are also explicitly prohibited: selling medicines.

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1 s

Alivio para el picazón e irritación de la piel por sus propiedades calmantes 🌱 #irritacionenlapiel #irritacionpañal #picazón #escoceduras #picaduras #picadurasinsectos



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¿Sabías que la calamina se usa sobre todo para tratar la picazón y la irritación de la piel causada por las picaduras de insectos 🦟 o medusas🪼las quemaduras de sol☀️, afeitado, depiliación y otras condiciones menores de la piel que causan molestias?. Además, previene las escoceduras en axilas, ingles y pechos, debido a sudor o la humedad y está formulada para que al practicar deporte 🚴 🏃 el sudor o la humedad de la piel no la elimine tan fácilmente y ayude a prevenir las rozaduras que pueda producir la práctica deportiva. 🎥 @abrunadiehl #calamina #picadura #picadurasdeinsectos #escocedura #escoceduraspañal #escocedurabebé #depilacaoalaser #quemadura



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¿Conoces los beneficios del Aceite de Ricino para pestañas y cejas? El aceite de ricino es un aliado natural 🌱para lucir pestañas largas y densas. Actúa como un hidratante natural, lubricando las pestañas desde la raíz y ayudando a prevenir su caída. El ácido ricinoleico, presente en el aceite de ricino, penetra profundamente en los folículos, nutriéndolos y estimulando su crecimiento. Los ácidos grasos esenciales, especialmente el Omega 9, regulan la producción de sebo en el cuero cabelludo, lo que ayuda a prevenir la pérdida de cabello. Además, este aceite tiene propiedades antimicrobianas, previniendo la proliferación de bacterias y hongos que pueden frenar el crecimiento capilar. #aceitericino #aceitepestañas #kefus #primerpestañas #pestañas #cejas #cejasnaturales #cejasnaturalesyperfectas



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Crema de masaje de alto rendimiento❗ Con una pequeña cantidad de producto permite lubricar y acondicionar la piel 😉inmediatamente al terminar se elimina totalmente de una forma muy fácil, dejando la piel hidratada 🌱 Notarás en su uso que gastarás menos que cualquier otro producto. ¡Comprueba su eficacia! 🔝 #emulsiónmasaje #cremaemulsiónmasaje #masaje #masajecorporal #masajeterapeutico #masajista #cremamasaje #kefus



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En Kefus, ofrecemos una amplia gama de cremas conductoras para tratamientos de radiofrecuencia en diversos formatos🤩 Están formuladas para ser aptas incluso para las pieles más sensibles y reactivas. Con nuestras cremas obtendrás productos de alta calidad que cuidan y protegen tu piel 🌿mientras maximizan los beneficios de la radiofrecuencia. #radiofrecuencia #radiofrecuenciafacial #radiofrecuenciacorporal #ditermia #fisioterapia #estética #centrosdeestetica



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