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You will love the NEW Kefus Foam Micellar Makeup Remover Solution

You will love the NEW Kefus Foam Micellar Makeup Remover Solution
The Kefus Micellar Makeup Remover Solution is one of the most practical and beneficial solutions for the face and neck when removing makeup, cleansing and toning;
• Cleans stubborn makeup, attracting traces of makeup and dirt to the cotton, leaving the face clean and fresh.
• Eliminates extra fat and impurities, leaving a soft and hydrated face.
• You can use it on eyes and lips thanks to the fact that its formula is gentle and does not attack the skin barrier.
It is recommended to use in the morning and evening as a daily hygiene routine.
It also has the advantage over other cleansers that it sanitizes without drying out or irritating the skin, making it a perfect ally for any type of skin, even the most sensitive.
For greater effectiveness once you have cleansed your face and neck with the Micellar Solution, we suggest you repeat the operation to ensure that all traces of dirt and makeup have been removed.
As you see, it is an essential for everyday life.
In our online store you can buy:
- Kefus Foam Micellar Makeup Remover Solution 200 ml

- Kefus Micellar Foam Makeup Remover Solution 500 ml


Cleansing foam with rinse that, when applied to the wet face, the surfactants dispersed in the foam come together to form micelles and trap particles, fats and other impurities.

Gently removes makeup, tones and cleanses the face, eyes and lips without drying

Benefits: Cleanses and removes impurities and makeup, hydrates and refreshes the skin.


Apply with the help of a cotton pad, wiping gently so that the micelles act and then gently pass the disc with circular movements from top to bottom all over your skin to cleanse and eliminate impurities. Apply morning and evening to damp face.


This cosmetic is composed of micelles, responsible for attracting particles of dirt, sebum, and grease. It works quickly offering deep cleansing, but without damaging or drying the skin.


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2 d

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