If you are individual, FREE SHIPPING! from €20 or only €3 (Peninsula)



Working group on cosmetics preservation within the framework of the International Cooperation on Cosmetics Regulation (ICCR)

General and technical frequently asked questions (FAQ) about preservatives in cosmetics.
Preservatives are ingredients or substances capable of preventing or reducing microbial growth in a cosmetic. Preservatives prevent contamination by microorganisms, such as bacteria and fungi, during storage and use of the product by the consumer and can prolong the shelf life of cosmetic products.


How much are the shipping costs?
They are free for Spain for orders over €70 (peninsula and Balearic Islands only), if you live in the Canary Islands, do not hesitate to get in touch so we can give you a personalized price.

What happens if any of the products I order are not in stock?
In that case, we will contact you to see what you want to do, you can change the product, request shipping without that item or if you prefer, you could also cancel the order completely.

What is the deadline?
As long as we have the products in stock (this is normal, and if not we will contact you quickly) you will receive them between 2 and 3 business days later, depending on the area or town in which the delivery is made.

What is the delivery schedule?
Delivery is made through a courier company so, if they cannot find you at your home at the time of delivery, they will call you to make another appointment.

How can I modify or cancel an order?
If you have not paid for it yet, you can modify or cancel it at any time from your shopping cart. If you have already paid it, you can write to us at info@kefus.com or call us at +34 96 576 61 64 and we will assist you personally.

Can I return an order?
You can return your order within a period of 14 business days from receipt without the need for justification (according to Art. 44 of Law 7/1996 of January 15 on the regulation of Retail Trade modified by Law 47/2002, of December 19 ). As soon as we receive the product, which must be in perfect condition (it cannot be opened or manipulated and must retain its original packaging), we will proceed to refund the amount of the products and shipping costs (with the exception of additional costs resulting from the choice of a delivery method other than the least expensive ordinary delivery method that we offer). We will proceed to make said refund using the same payment method used for the initial transaction, unless you indicate otherwise. The direct costs of return will be borne by the consumer.

If the product is broken or defective (this is rare because we manufacture and maintain to the highest quality standards) contact us and we will fix it for you.

What happens if a product is wrong?
Write to us at info@kefus.com or call us at +34 96 576 61 64 and we will fix it.

Do you ship abroad?
If you want to buy our products from outside Spain, write to us at info@kefus.com or call us at +34 96 576 61 64 and we will tell you how to make the purchase.


How I can pay for my purchase?
You can pay for the purchase by bank transfer, cash on delivery, and you can also use your credit card (VISA, MasterCard, American Express) or debit card (4B or 4B Maestro) or by PayPal.

Is it safe to buy online?
At Kefus we use all Internet security standards. When you pay by card you are using a secure gateway through a bank; It is impossible for anyone to intercept your payment details. Kefus does not have access to its clients' credit card numbers. If you have questions, contact us and we will answer all your questions.

My payment has failed, what can I do?
Contact us and we will see what could have happened.

Can I pay cash on delivery?
Contact us if you want to receive the products on delivery. Remember that this payment method will have a surcharge of 3.5% on the price.


Who is Kefus?
We are a Spanish company backed by the experience accumulated for more than 25 years researching, developing and manufacturing cosmetics in our facilities. We have the latest technology machinery and quality controls throughout the production process, to offer products of the highest quality. At Kefus, innovation is a norm and our reason for being, so investment in R&D&I is essential.

Where is the company located?
Our production facilities are located in Alicante and we have points of sale throughout Spain, but if you cannot find a point of sale nearby, you can make your purchases online at www.kefus.com

Pol. Industrial Hortes,
C/Riu Turia 4-6
03778 Beniarbeig (Alicante)
Tlf.: +34 96 576 61 64
E-mail: info@kefus.com

Follow us kefus_cosmetics



1 s

Alivio para el picazón e irritación de la piel por sus propiedades calmantes 🌱 #irritacionenlapiel #irritacionpañal #picazón #escoceduras #picaduras #picadurasinsectos



4 s

¿Sabías que la calamina se usa sobre todo para tratar la picazón y la irritación de la piel causada por las picaduras de insectos 🦟 o medusas🪼las quemaduras de sol☀️, afeitado, depiliación y otras condiciones menores de la piel que causan molestias?. Además, previene las escoceduras en axilas, ingles y pechos, debido a sudor o la humedad y está formulada para que al practicar deporte 🚴 🏃 el sudor o la humedad de la piel no la elimine tan fácilmente y ayude a prevenir las rozaduras que pueda producir la práctica deportiva. 🎥 @abrunadiehl #calamina #picadura #picadurasdeinsectos #escocedura #escoceduraspañal #escocedurabebé #depilacaoalaser #quemadura



1 mes

¿Conoces los beneficios del Aceite de Ricino para pestañas y cejas? El aceite de ricino es un aliado natural 🌱para lucir pestañas largas y densas. Actúa como un hidratante natural, lubricando las pestañas desde la raíz y ayudando a prevenir su caída. El ácido ricinoleico, presente en el aceite de ricino, penetra profundamente en los folículos, nutriéndolos y estimulando su crecimiento. Los ácidos grasos esenciales, especialmente el Omega 9, regulan la producción de sebo en el cuero cabelludo, lo que ayuda a prevenir la pérdida de cabello. Además, este aceite tiene propiedades antimicrobianas, previniendo la proliferación de bacterias y hongos que pueden frenar el crecimiento capilar. #aceitericino #aceitepestañas #kefus #primerpestañas #pestañas #cejas #cejasnaturales #cejasnaturalesyperfectas



2 mes

Crema de masaje de alto rendimiento❗ Con una pequeña cantidad de producto permite lubricar y acondicionar la piel 😉inmediatamente al terminar se elimina totalmente de una forma muy fácil, dejando la piel hidratada 🌱 Notarás en su uso que gastarás menos que cualquier otro producto. ¡Comprueba su eficacia! 🔝 #emulsiónmasaje #cremaemulsiónmasaje #masaje #masajecorporal #masajeterapeutico #masajista #cremamasaje #kefus



3 mes

En Kefus, ofrecemos una amplia gama de cremas conductoras para tratamientos de radiofrecuencia en diversos formatos🤩 Están formuladas para ser aptas incluso para las pieles más sensibles y reactivas. Con nuestras cremas obtendrás productos de alta calidad que cuidan y protegen tu piel 🌿mientras maximizan los beneficios de la radiofrecuencia. #radiofrecuencia #radiofrecuenciafacial #radiofrecuenciacorporal #ditermia #fisioterapia #estética #centrosdeestetica



4 mes

🔈 Nueva cera capilar acondicionadora‼️acabado mate Anti Frizz. Apto para barbas 🧔‍♂️ Con Panthenol y Keratina. Acción Anti Frizz #ceracapilar #ceramoldeadora #acomdicionador #ceramoldeadorayfijadora #kefus #barberia #cabelloscastigados