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Anti-wrinkle and Regeneration Pack

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- Kefus Regenerating Facial Cream 50 ml.
Kefus regenerating facial cream with Hyaluronic Acid Three particle sizes with high regenerating and moisturizing power, activate the natural functions of the skin and delay the appearance of wrinkles. Vitamin E neutralizes free radicals that cause skin aging. Shea butter, rich in vitamins and nutrients, has a powerful natural cell regenerating effect. Sunscreen protects against photoaging and the appearance of spots.

- Botox-Like Kefus Facial Ampoules 10 units
Polypeptide BOTOX- LIKEwhich applied to the skin simulates an immediate local relaxing Botox effect, long-lasting and reversible effects, reducing superficial and deep wrinkles. In 4 weeks the effects are visible. Minimizes expression wrinkles on the forehead, crow's feet, corners of the lips and naso-labial wrinkles.

- Eye contour with Hyaluronic Acid Kefus 20 ml.
Helps firm the skin around the eyes and soften the appearance of expression lines, including wrinkles.
The cream's smooth texture provides immediate hydration and helps create a more radiant look.

- Kefus Flash Effect Niacinamide Hyaluronic Acid Serum.
Contains 3 types of hyaluronic acid molecules that regenerate the structure of the skin, fill wrinkles and reduce expression lines . Antioxidant, anti-pollution and antiaging effect. Niacinamide penetrates the deepest layers of the skin and stimulates collagen synthesis, recovering its volume and reducing wrinkles.
A unique formula capable of correcting and caring for the skin, triple action firmness, wrinkles and spots. p>

- Transparent toiletry bag from GIFT

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Kefus Packs Promotion
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54,70€ 46,50 -15 % IVA Incluido
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- Kefus Regenerating Facial Cream 50 ml.
Kefus regenerating facial cream with Hyaluronic Acid Three particle sizes with high regenerating and moisturizing power, activate the natural functions of the skin and delay the appearance of wrinkles. Vitamin E neutralizes free radicals that cause skin aging. Shea butter, rich in vitamins and nutrients, has a powerful natural cell regenerating effect. Sunscreen protects against photoaging and the appearance of spots.

- Botox-Like Kefus Facial Ampoules 10 units
Polypeptide BOTOX- LIKEwhich applied to the skin simulates an immediate local relaxing Botox effect, long-lasting and reversible effects, reducing superficial and deep wrinkles. In 4 weeks the effects are visible. Minimizes expression wrinkles on the forehead, crow's feet, corners of the lips and naso-labial wrinkles.

- Eye contour with Hyaluronic Acid Kefus 20 ml.
Helps firm the skin around the eyes and soften the appearance of expression lines, including wrinkles.
The cream's smooth texture provides immediate hydration and helps create a more radiant look.

- Kefus Flash Effect Niacinamide Hyaluronic Acid Serum.
Contains 3 types of hyaluronic acid molecules that regenerate the structure of the skin, fill wrinkles and reduce expression lines . Antioxidant, anti-pollution and antiaging effect. Niacinamide penetrates the deepest layers of the skin and stimulates collagen synthesis, recovering its volume and reducing wrinkles.
A unique formula capable of correcting and caring for the skin, triple action firmness, wrinkles and spots. p>

- Transparent toiletry bag from GIFT

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1 s

Alivio para el picazón e irritación de la piel por sus propiedades calmantes 🌱 #irritacionenlapiel #irritacionpañal #picazón #escoceduras #picaduras #picadurasinsectos



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¿Sabías que la calamina se usa sobre todo para tratar la picazón y la irritación de la piel causada por las picaduras de insectos 🦟 o medusas🪼las quemaduras de sol☀️, afeitado, depiliación y otras condiciones menores de la piel que causan molestias?. Además, previene las escoceduras en axilas, ingles y pechos, debido a sudor o la humedad y está formulada para que al practicar deporte 🚴 🏃 el sudor o la humedad de la piel no la elimine tan fácilmente y ayude a prevenir las rozaduras que pueda producir la práctica deportiva. 🎥 @abrunadiehl #calamina #picadura #picadurasdeinsectos #escocedura #escoceduraspañal #escocedurabebé #depilacaoalaser #quemadura



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Crema de masaje de alto rendimiento❗ Con una pequeña cantidad de producto permite lubricar y acondicionar la piel 😉inmediatamente al terminar se elimina totalmente de una forma muy fácil, dejando la piel hidratada 🌱 Notarás en su uso que gastarás menos que cualquier otro producto. ¡Comprueba su eficacia! 🔝 #emulsiónmasaje #cremaemulsiónmasaje #masaje #masajecorporal #masajeterapeutico #masajista #cremamasaje #kefus



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🔈 Nueva cera capilar acondicionadora‼️acabado mate Anti Frizz. Apto para barbas 🧔‍♂️ Con Panthenol y Keratina. Acción Anti Frizz #ceracapilar #ceramoldeadora #acomdicionador #ceramoldeadorayfijadora #kefus #barberia #cabelloscastigados